Nintendo Channel DS Demo Reviews

Wiiseguys Special Feature! DS Demo Reviews!

Wiiseguys Special Feature! DS Demo Reviews!

Ok so the week of June 30 was pretty dead so I waited until this week to do Part 2 of the demos.

That way I can have 3 titles to review for y’all!

So enjoy!

Part 2: The “Very Little Amount of Demos” Edition!

–After the jump (of course!)


Well this should be an easy review…

This game tries to do something most of us are familiar with. Pictionary. But the only thing is, it fails in the very aspect. It shows you drawings (mostly drawn by 7 year olds, and that is not an insult to the game, it actually says the age of the person it was drawn by) and then you have to guess what they are drawing. Ok, sounds good right? But first off, the handwriting recognition fails epically, so you end up using the touchscreen keyboard. Lame. If I wanted to play Pictochat, I would have. Speaking of which, there IS multiplayer….

..but in all honesty, playing Pictochat Pictionary with 2 DS’ seems alot better since the point in PictoImage’s multiplayer is to draw it, and then pass the DS so the person can guess, then pass it back so the ‘artist’ can draw Round 2, etc.

Verdict: Pass. This game sucks. Just stick to Pictochat. The only plus that PictoImage has over Pictochat is colors, and colors make Pictionary too easy ANYWAY!

Carnival Games

Ok. I’ll be honest. I never played the Wii iteration of Carnival Games. Sure I’m here trying to support you guys in trying games that are outside of your comfort zone, but that was just one game I will NOT try. Buttt..

Since Nintendo is offering a free demo of the DS Version, I’ll give it a shot.

From what I can tell, this game is a decent MiniGame collection for younger kids.

At least that’s what I thought. The game is pretty challenging for little kids. I asked my little sister to try it and she just said “Ugh… this is too hard.” SO HEY! That works for me!

Now, if you are my age, and are looking for a minigame collection, may I recommend Wario Ware Touched? Carnival Games has a decent selection of minigames, but they aren’t very fun. And if little kids have trouble with scoring 1 point, after you do indeed score, the game gets HARDER! The barrel gets smaller on the barrel toss, the line to draw for the Dunk Toss gets crazier. It’s just a mess. I’d rather play the Wii version where I can at least look forward to true to life movements.

Verdict: Pass. Unless you really hate your children and like seeing them suffer, dont even buy it for them.

Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2

Ah. I remember playing the first Trauma Center and falling in love with a series. It reminded me of Old School PC games where you would performs operations. But, of course, knowing me, I never really followed to series past the first game. Blame sick kids in Africa (for those who played the first one, I hope you know what I am talking about. I couldn’t beat that stage…) Anyways. For fans of the series, take note:

Don’t expect any epic changes or revolutions in gameplay. It’s still the same ol’ Dr. Stiles, who apparently still needs instructions from his hot anime nurse on how to perform surgery.

And while that sounds like a negative thing, it isn’t! The Trauma Center series is one that most people (I really don’t want little kids playing these games, blood everywhere, it gets pretty graphic. Also DS CG Boobs.) should play!

Verdict: Buy it!! Pick this up along with the first Trauma Center for the DS, and hell, go crazy while you are at it! Pick up the Ace Attorney series too!

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